Adult Hosting Plans | Purchase Page!
You have chosen to purchase an Adult Hosting Plan
*** Prior to purchasing our services you must read and agree to our terms of service.
To open a Hosting account with us you need to own a domain name. This will be the url (web address) of your web site. It’s kind of like your address where your home is located in real life. It’s how readers on the Internet can find you. It will look a lot like our address ( but with the name that you choose to replace portaltaxi. Your domain may end in .com, .org, .info, .net or any of the many others that you can choose from. It doesn’t matter where you purchase your domain. You can purchase it through us or from another provider. Your domain, when you choose one, or if you already have it registered needs to point to the following nameservers:
If you do not already have a domain name you must purchase one prior to purchasing an adult hosting account with us. We will need the name of your domain name to set up your account. If you do not already have a domain name you can register one though us.
You can purchase a domain name at
Please note we are sending you to our non adult hosting site to purchase your domain name. You can not use the network to publish adult sites. You must use for adult websites.
After you submit your order, we will send you an email to pay for your purchase. You can pay by credit card or check. Your account will renew yearly thereafter. If the payment does not clear your bank, we will notify you via email. You have 10 days from the email date to bring your account current. After the 10 day your account will be suspended until your account is current.
Once you have your domain name, credit card or checking account information nearby, you are ready to purchase your hosting plan.
Place Your Order Now.
We will send you an email to make your payment.
[contact-form to=”” subject=” Adult Web Hosting Purchase”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Your Website | Domain Name” type=”url” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Address: Street, City, State & Zip” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone Number” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”What Adult Hosting Are You Purchasing?” type=”select” required=”1″ options=”Advanced Adult Hosting – Yearly $299.88,Pro Adult Hosting – Yearly $539.88,Adult Starter Plus – Yearly $203.88″][/contact-form]
Purchase request are processed manually, so please understand it might be a day or so before your account is active.